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Готовая работа №11270 от пользователя Чистякова Наталья

Особенности международной торговли между США и Мексикой. (Peculiarities of the international trade between the United States and Mexico.)

550 ₽
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Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of international trade 4
1.1. Theories applied in international trade 4
1.2. Regulation of international trade 11
Chapter 2. US-Mexico international trade 14
2.1 Structure and principles of NAFTA and The USMCA 14
2.2 Benefits and costs for the Mexican economy 19
2.3 Benefits and cost for the American economy 20
2.3 Main features and trends of US-Mexico trade 21
Chapter 3. Barriers and peculiarities of US-Mexico trade 26
3.1 Trade barriers between Mexico and USA 26
3.2 Peculiarities of trade 29
Conclusion 34
List of sources 35

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The development of international trade took place in the XVI-XVIII centuries, in the process of the emergence of the world market, which led to the development of the economy of the New Age. International trade is a means of developing specialization and increasing the productivity of resources, thereby increasing the overall volume of production. Hence, the participation of one or another state in international trade makes it possible to effectively use the resources available in the country, improve enterprises, thanks to international competition, accumulate capital from export earnings, which can be further directed to industrial development and satisfy the needs of the population. Currently, globalization is actively developing, which plays an important role in the development of the world economy and international relations, in particular. This process of cultural, economic, political and religious unification of the countries of the world is a change in the structure of the world economy. For instance, there is a formation of a single network market economy, or in other words, the national independence of individual states is being deteriorated.
The opinions of political scientists, economists and other experts about international trade between Mexico and USA and escalation of globalization in international trade are ambiguous. Some consider it a means of further economic progress, while others see a serious threat to the world economic system. The increase in the movement of goods, capital, services leads to more stable trade and economic relations, it also allows people to remove obstacles in international relations and create new trade associations. The relevance and significance of this paper, in my opinion, arises precisely due to the relationship of these facts. The object of research is the theoretical and methodological principles and applied aspects of the organization of international trade. The subject of research - the processes of international trade. The purpose of the course work: the organization of an international trade agreement, analysis and use of methods and approaches to international trade between the US and Mexico. Also, the purpose of the work is to describe US-Mexico international trade in the world economy and identify peculiarities and problems that arise in them.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of international trade

1.1. Theories applied in international trade

International trade is a system of international commodity-money relations, consisting of foreign trade of all countries of the world. International trade arose in the process of the emergence of the world market in the 16th-18th centuries. Its development is one of the important factors in the development of the modern world economy. The term international trade was first used in the 12th century by the Italian economist Antonio Margaretti, author of the economic treatise Power of the Masses in Northern Italy. There are several advantages of participating countries in international trade:

1. The intensification of the reproduction process in national economies is a consequence of strengthening specialization, creating opportunities for the emergence and development of mass production, increasing the degree of equipment workload, and increasing the efficiency of introducing new technologies;
2. an increase in export deliveries entails an increase in employment;
3. international competition requires the improvement of enterprises;
4. Export earnings serve as a source of capital accumulation during industrial development.

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Список литературы

1. The Handbook of International Trade a Guide to the Principles and Practice of Export [Electronic Resource] / Jim Sherlock and Jonathan Reuvid // - GMB Publishing Ltd, 2008. – Mode of access: http://www.sze.hu/~gjudit/Exportszerzodesek/Handbook%20of%20international%20trade.pdf

2. ICC Guide to Export/Import. Global Standards for International Trade. Fourth edition [Electronic Resource] /Guillermo C. Jimenez // - ICC. 2013 -http://iccbooks.ru/catalog/mezhdunarodnyy-biznes/rukovodstvo-icc keksportno-importnym-operatsiyam-globalnye standartymezhdunarodnoy-torgovli-chetvye/

3. Guillermo K. Jimenez ICC Guide to Export-Import Operations. Global
standards of international trade. Fourth edition, 2013. - 303 p.

4. Business Guide to Trade and Investment - Volume I - International Trade. - [Electronic Resource] / P. ALLGEIER, A. E. APPLETON //. – 2017. – Mode of access: https://2go.iccwbo.org/business-guide-to-trade-and-investmentvolume-i-international-trade-config+book_version-Book/

5. Global Survey on Trade Finance . - [Electronic Resource] / Prepared by ICC Banking Commission // – 2018. – Mode of access:

6. ICC Model Online B2C General Conditions of Sale [Electronic Resource] International Chamber of Commerce // – 2020. – Mode of access: https://2go.iccwbo.org/2020-icc-model-online-b2c-general-conditions-ofsale-free-pdf.html

7. ICC Short Form Model Contracts: International Commercial Agency and
Distributorship [Electronic Resource] – 2017. – Mode of access:
https://2go.iccwbo.org/icc-short-form-model-contracts international commercial-agency-and-distributorship-config+book_version-Book/

8. ICC Model Contract - International Sale (Manufactured Goods) [Electronic Resource] – 2020. – Mode of access: https://2go.iccwbo.org/icc-modelcontract-i-international-sale-manufactured-goods-config+book_versionBook/

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