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Готовая работа №35796 от пользователя Фемитцева Люция

Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский) тест Синергия

400 ₽
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Гарантийный период 7 дней.

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Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский). Ответы Синергия
Оценка 100 из 100 баллов ОТЛИЧНО
Скриншот с отметкой прилагается к работе. Правильные ответы выделены в Worde

A statement of law is binding for future similar disputes if…
• is made by the way
• it forms the basis of the decision
• it is based on a hypothesis
A company which develops a new product, protects this invention …
• by an insurance policy
• by a patent
• by a share certificate
Negligence is an actionable wrong affecting …
• general rights
• the person
• property
A mortgage can be set aside …
• if it has been obtained by undue influence
• can never be set aside
• if the presumption of undue influence has been rebutted in the Court
A holder of bearer shares becomes a member of the company…
• automatically
• according to the decision of the directors of the company
• if Articles of the company allow that
If a minority shareholder does not agree with the majority…
• the majority must agree with him
• he must accept the decision of the majority
• the court will support him
Allowing water to escape from reservoirs is a tort affecting …
• economic rights
• general rights
• property
Fiduciary duties of employees are implied into a contract of employment …
• are not implied
• by the common law
• by statute
A person cannot be a partner if …
• it is a limited company
• he or she is a minor
• he or she is an enemy alien
The register of the company must be kept…
• at the registered office
• in the residence of the majority shareholder
• in the office of the CEO
Directors of a public company can be appointed…
• at the age under 70
• at the age under 60
• at any age
The bankruptcy order is published in…
• the Financial Times
• the London Gazette
• the Business Week
The monopolies and mergers commission consists of…
• not less than 10 members
• not more than 30 members
The transfer of property to the buyer is the main purpose …
• of the contract for the sale of goods
• of the contract for service
• of the contract for labor and materials
A director of a public company can be disqualified…
• by a majority shareholder
• by the court
• by the annual meeting of shareholder
The capital clause of the memorandum states…
• the authorized capital
• the capital assets
• the actual capital raised
Fiduciary duties are owed …
• by buyers to sellers
• by sales clerks to the customers
• by employees to their employers
The east india company was created…
• under Companies Act
• by Royal Charter
• by special Act of Parliament
A bankrupt must disclose his status if he wants to obtain…
• a credit of 250 pounds or more
• a credit
• a credit of more than 50 pounds sterling
Choose the right ending of the sentence general agents have...
• unlimited authority
• authority for a specific purpose
• authority to act within certain limits
According to the contract, the goods must be transferred …
• for other goods
• for securities.
• for money
A subsidiary company is owned…
• by a holding company
• by a sole trader
• by a partnership
Preference shareholders have the right…
• to receive a fixed dividend prior to ordinary shareholders
• to receive an unlimited dividend
• to receive surplus assets
The following products are excluded from liability under the consumer protection act:
• electricity
• unprocessed game
• vapors
To control rogue dealers, the dg may bring proceedings…
• in the High Court
• in the Crown Court
• in the Restrictive Practices Court
A shareholder of a public company can sell his shares freely…
• if majority shareholder gives his consent
• if the shares are dealt with on the Stock Exchange or the AIM
• if other shareholders agree
The loan agreement provides for repayment of loan plus interest …
• at any time subject to no restrictions
• exactly by the legal date of redemption
• at any time subject to reasonable restrictions
To take part in the management of a registered company, a bankrupt must get…
• the creditors’ consent
• the court’s consent
• the trustee’s consent
When the land is owned by a company, …
• there must be registration of both legal and equitable mortgages
• there must be registration of the equitable mortgage
• registration of a mortgage is not necessary
A separate legal person is created in setting up business as…
• a partnership
• a registered company
• a sole trader

Весь текст будет доступен после покупки


Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский). Ответы Синергия
Оценка 100 из 100 баллов ОТЛИЧНО
Скриншот с отметкой прилагается к работе. Правильные ответы выделены в Worde

A statement of law is binding for future similar disputes if…
• is made by the way
• it forms the basis of the decision
• it is based on a hypothesis
A company which develops a new product, protects this invention …
• by an insurance policy
• by a patent
• by a share certificate
Negligence is an actionable wrong affecting …
• general rights
• the person
• property
A mortgage can be set aside …
• if it has been obtained by undue influence
• can never be set aside
• if the presumption of undue influence has been rebutted in the Court
A holder of bearer shares becomes a member of the company…
• automatically
• according to the decision of the directors of the company
• if Articles of the company allow that
If a minority shareholder does not agree with the majority…
• the majority must agree with him
• he must accept the decision of the majority
• the court will support him
Allowing water to escape from reservoirs is a tort affecting …
• economic rights
• general rights
• property
Fiduciary duties of employees are implied into a contract of employment …
• are not implied
• by the common law
• by statute
A person cannot be a partner if …
• it is a limited company
• he or she is a minor
• he or she is an enemy alien
The register of the company must be kept…
• at the registered office
• in the residence of the majority shareholder
• in the office of the CEO
Directors of a public company can be appointed…
• at the age under 70
• at the age under 60
• at any age
The bankruptcy order is published in…
• the Financial Times
• the London Gazette
• the Business Week
The monopolies and mergers commission consists of…
• not less than 10 members
• not more than 30 members
The transfer of property to the buyer is the main purpose …
• of the contract for the sale of goods
• of the contract for service
• of the contract for labor and materials
A director of a public company can be disqualified…
• by a majority shareholder
• by the court
• by the annual meeting of shareholder
The capital clause of the memorandum states…
• the authorized capital
• the capital assets
• the actual capital raised
Fiduciary duties are owed …
• by buyers to sellers
• by sales clerks to the customers
• by employees to their employers
The east india company was created…
• under Companies Act
• by Royal Charter
• by special Act of Parliament
A bankrupt must disclose his status if he wants to obtain…
• a credit of 250 pounds or more
• a credit
• a credit of more than 50 pounds sterling
Choose the right ending of the sentence general agents have...
• unlimited authority
• authority for a specific purpose
• authority to act within certain limits
According to the contract, the goods must be transferred …
• for other goods
• for securities.
• for money
A subsidiary company is owned…
• by a holding company
• by a sole trader
• by a partnership
Preference shareholders have the right…
• to receive a fixed dividend prior to ordinary shareholders
• to receive an unlimited dividend
• to receive surplus assets
The following products are excluded from liability under the consumer protection act:
• electricity
• unprocessed game
• vapors
To control rogue dealers, the dg may bring proceedings…
• in the High Court
• in the Crown Court
• in the Restrictive Practices Court
A shareholder of a public company can sell his shares freely…
• if majority shareholder gives his consent
• if the shares are dealt with on the Stock Exchange or the AIM
• if other shareholders agree
The loan agreement provides for repayment of loan plus interest …
• at any time subject to no restrictions
• exactly by the legal date of redemption
• at any time subject to reasonable restrictions
To take part in the management of a registered company, a bankrupt must get…
• the creditors’ consent
• the court’s consent
• the trustee’s consent
When the land is owned by a company, …
• there must be registration of both legal and equitable mortgages
• there must be registration of the equitable mortgage
• registration of a mortgage is not necessary
A separate legal person is created in setting up business as…
• a partnership
• a registered company
• a sole trader

Весь текст будет доступен после покупки

отрывок из работы

Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский). Ответы Синергия
Оценка 100 из 100 баллов ОТЛИЧНО
Скриншот с отметкой прилагается к работе. Правильные ответы выделены в Worde

A statement of law is binding for future similar disputes if…
• is made by the way
• it forms the basis of the decision
• it is based on a hypothesis
A company which develops a new product, protects this invention …
• by an insurance policy
• by a patent
• by a share certificate
Negligence is an actionable wrong affecting …
• general rights
• the person
• property
A mortgage can be set aside …
• if it has been obtained by undue influence
• can never be set aside
• if the presumption of undue influence has been rebutted in the Court
A holder of bearer shares becomes a member of the company…
• automatically
• according to the decision of the directors of the company
• if Articles of the company allow that
If a minority shareholder does not agree with the majority…
• the majority must agree with him
• he must accept the decision of the majority
• the court will support him
Allowing water to escape from reservoirs is a tort affecting …
• economic rights
• general rights
• property
Fiduciary duties of employees are implied into a contract of employment …
• are not implied
• by the common law
• by statute
A person cannot be a partner if …
• it is a limited company
• he or she is a minor
• he or she is an enemy alien
The register of the company must be kept…
• at the registered office
• in the residence of the majority shareholder
• in the office of the CEO
Directors of a public company can be appointed…
• at the age under 70
• at the age under 60
• at any age
The bankruptcy order is published in…
• the Financial Times
• the London Gazette
• the Business Week
The monopolies and mergers commission consists of…
• not less than 10 members
• not more than 30 members
The transfer of property to the buyer is the main purpose …
• of the contract for the sale of goods
• of the contract for service
• of the contract for labor and materials
A director of a public company can be disqualified…
• by a majority shareholder
• by the court
• by the annual meeting of shareholder
The capital clause of the memorandum states…
• the authorized capital
• the capital assets
• the actual capital raised
Fiduciary duties are owed …
• by buyers to sellers
• by sales clerks to the customers
• by employees to their employers
The east india company was created…
• under Companies Act
• by Royal Charter
• by special Act of Parliament
A bankrupt must disclose his status if he wants to obtain…
• a credit of 250 pounds or more
• a credit
• a credit of more than 50 pounds sterling
Choose the right ending of the sentence general agents have...
• unlimited authority
• authority for a specific purpose
• authority to act within certain limits
According to the contract, the goods must be transferred …
• for other goods
• for securities.
• for money
A subsidiary company is owned…
• by a holding company
• by a sole trader
• by a partnership
Preference shareholders have the right…
• to receive a fixed dividend prior to ordinary shareholders
• to receive an unlimited dividend
• to receive surplus assets
The following products are excluded from liability under the consumer protection act:
• electricity
• unprocessed game
• vapors
To control rogue dealers, the dg may bring proceedings…
• in the High Court
• in the Crown Court
• in the Restrictive Practices Court
A shareholder of a public company can sell his shares freely…
• if majority shareholder gives his consent
• if the shares are dealt with on the Stock Exchange or the AIM
• if other shareholders agree
The loan agreement provides for repayment of loan plus interest …
• at any time subject to no restrictions
• exactly by the legal date of redemption
• at any time subject to reasonable restrictions
To take part in the management of a registered company, a bankrupt must get…
• the creditors’ consent
• the court’s consent
• the trustee’s consent
When the land is owned by a company, …
• there must be registration of both legal and equitable mortgages
• there must be registration of the equitable mortgage
• registration of a mortgage is not necessary
A separate legal person is created in setting up business as…
• a partnership
• a registered company
• a sole trader

Весь текст будет доступен после покупки

Список литературы

Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский). Ответы Синергия
Оценка 100 из 100 баллов ОТЛИЧНО
Скриншот с отметкой прилагается к работе. Правильные ответы выделены в Worde

A statement of law is binding for future similar disputes if…
• is made by the way
• it forms the basis of the decision
• it is based on a hypothesis
A company which develops a new product, protects this invention …
• by an insurance policy
• by a patent
• by a share certificate
Negligence is an actionable wrong affecting …
• general rights
• the person
• property
A mortgage can be set aside …
• if it has been obtained by undue influence
• can never be set aside
• if the presumption of undue influence has been rebutted in the Court
A holder of bearer shares becomes a member of the company…
• automatically
• according to the decision of the directors of the company
• if Articles of the company allow that
If a minority shareholder does not agree with the majority…
• the majority must agree with him
• he must accept the decision of the majority
• the court will support him
Allowing water to escape from reservoirs is a tort affecting …
• economic rights
• general rights
• property
Fiduciary duties of employees are implied into a contract of employment …
• are not implied
• by the common law
• by statute
A person cannot be a partner if …
• it is a limited company
• he or she is a minor
• he or she is an enemy alien
The register of the company must be kept…
• at the registered office
• in the residence of the majority shareholder
• in the office of the CEO
Directors of a public company can be appointed…
• at the age under 70
• at the age under 60
• at any age
The bankruptcy order is published in…
• the Financial Times
• the London Gazette
• the Business Week
The monopolies and mergers commission consists of…
• not less than 10 members
• not more than 30 members
The transfer of property to the buyer is the main purpose …
• of the contract for the sale of goods
• of the contract for service
• of the contract for labor and materials
A director of a public company can be disqualified…
• by a majority shareholder
• by the court
• by the annual meeting of shareholder
The capital clause of the memorandum states…
• the authorized capital
• the capital assets
• the actual capital raised
Fiduciary duties are owed …
• by buyers to sellers
• by sales clerks to the customers
• by employees to their employers
The east india company was created…
• under Companies Act
• by Royal Charter
• by special Act of Parliament
A bankrupt must disclose his status if he wants to obtain…
• a credit of 250 pounds or more
• a credit
• a credit of more than 50 pounds sterling
Choose the right ending of the sentence general agents have...
• unlimited authority
• authority for a specific purpose
• authority to act within certain limits
According to the contract, the goods must be transferred …
• for other goods
• for securities.
• for money
A subsidiary company is owned…
• by a holding company
• by a sole trader
• by a partnership
Preference shareholders have the right…
• to receive a fixed dividend prior to ordinary shareholders
• to receive an unlimited dividend
• to receive surplus assets
The following products are excluded from liability under the consumer protection act:
• electricity
• unprocessed game
• vapors
To control rogue dealers, the dg may bring proceedings…
• in the High Court
• in the Crown Court
• in the Restrictive Practices Court
A shareholder of a public company can sell his shares freely…
• if majority shareholder gives his consent
• if the shares are dealt with on the Stock Exchange or the AIM
• if other shareholders agree
The loan agreement provides for repayment of loan plus interest …
• at any time subject to no restrictions
• exactly by the legal date of redemption
• at any time subject to reasonable restrictions
To take part in the management of a registered company, a bankrupt must get…
• the creditors’ consent
• the court’s consent
• the trustee’s consent
When the land is owned by a company, …
• there must be registration of both legal and equitable mortgages
• there must be registration of the equitable mortgage
• registration of a mortgage is not necessary
A separate legal person is created in setting up business as…
• a partnership
• a registered company
• a sole trader

Весь текст будет доступен после покупки

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Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы

Чтобы оплатить заказ на сайте, необходимо сначала пополнить баланс на этой странице - https://lework.net/addbalance

На странице пополнения баланса у вас будет возможность выбрать способ оплаты - банковская карта, электронный кошелек или другой способ.

После пополнения баланса на сайте, необходимо перейти на страницу заказа и завершить покупку, нажав соответствующую кнопку.

Если у вас возникли проблемы при пополнении баланса на сайте или остались вопросы по оплате заказа, напишите нам на support@lework.net. Мы обязательно вам поможем! 

Да, покупка готовой работы на сайте происходит через "безопасную сделку". Покупатель и Продавец финансово защищены от недобросовестных пользователей. Гарантийный срок составляет 7 дней со дня покупки готовой работы. В течение этого времени покупатель имеет право подать жалобу на странице готовой работы, если купленная работа не соответствует описанию на сайте. Рассмотрение жалобы занимает от 3 до 5 рабочих дней. 

У покупателя есть возможность снять готовую работу с продажи на сайте. Например, если необходимо скрыть страницу с работой от третьих лиц на определенный срок. Тариф можно выбрать на странице готовой работы после покупки.

Гарантийный срок составляет 7 дней со дня покупки готовой работы. В течение этого времени покупатель имеет право подать жалобу на странице готовой работы, если купленная работа не соответствует описанию на сайте. Рассмотрение жалобы занимает от 3 до 5 рабочих дней. Если администрация сайта принимает решение о возврате денежных средств, то покупатель получает уведомление в личном кабинете и на электронную почту о возврате. Средства можно потратить на покупку другой готовой работы или вывести с сайта на банковскую карту. Вывод средств можно оформить в личном кабинете, заполнив соответствущую форму.

Мы с радостью ответим на ваши вопросы по электронной почте support@lework.net


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