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Россия и Китай в международном движении объектов интеллектуальной собственности

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Abstract 3
Table of Contents 5
Introduction 8
Chapter 1. Intellectual property as an object of international economic relations. 12
1. The international system of intellectual property rights protection and its importance for international IP trade. 13
1.2. Multilateral regulation of trade in IP objects. 20
1.3. The current state of the global IP market. 27
Chapter 2. Russia in the international movement of IP objects 34
2.1. Russia in the multilateral system of regulation of trade in intellectual property. 35
2.2. Dynamics of Russia's participation and current positions in the international IP movement. 41
2.3. Prospects for changing Russia's role in the global IP market. 46
Chapter 3. China in the global movement of IP objects 49
3.1. National specifics of the use of IP objects in the Chinese economy 50
3.2. China in the multilateral intellectual property trade regulation system 55
3.3. Current positions and prospects of China's participation in the global IP movement. 57
3.4. Prospects for the development of cooperation between Russia and China in the global IP market. 61

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The relevance of research. Intellectual property (hereinafter – IP) is an integral part of modern international relations, especially – of modern international trade. The creation of new results of intellectual activity and ensuring their legal protection precede the material movement of goods and services .
To date, the intellectual property market exceeds the growth rate of trade in other types of goods and this trend continues and continues to strengthen . The state of the national economy mainly depend on what results of intellectual activity are involved in civil turnover, what their cost and turnover rate are.
Russia highly appreciates the role of intellectual property as one of the key factors of economic development. This is emphasized by the introduction of an item on the development of the IP sphere in many strategic planning documents. For example, the Concept of Technological Development for the period up to 2030 contains provisions on the development of intellectual property and emphasizes its factor in the overall economic development of the state. Today, the Russian Federation is not a leader in the intellectual property market . However, Russia is integrated into many institutions regulating trade in intellectual property.

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Chapter 1. Intellectual property as an object of international economic relations.
1. The international system of intellectual property rights protection and its importance for international IP trade.
To ensure the legal protection of intellectual property objects in both local and international markets is the main responsibility of its owners. Having received the necessary protection, the owner can confidently bring his object to various markets. The copyright holder has the right to resort to legal measures to prevent violations, compensate for damages and ensure the protection of his rights throughout the entire period of validity of intellectual property. Before starting any commercial transactions with an intellectual property object, it is important that the copyright is fully protected, and the copyright holder has exclusive rights to use and control the object.
In the context of globalization and the increased movement of intellectual property across borders, a national patent certificate provides basic legal protection in the country where it is issued. However, it cannot guarantee full protection outside this country, since the concept of intellectual property rights protection goes beyond national borders – this is a well-known principle of territoriality. As a result, a global intellectual asset protection system exists and is constantly developing, designed to ensure reliable protection of the rights of owners at the international level.

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Список литературы

1. Berdin, Alexander, Berdina Marina. (2019). The unique details about the intellectual property markets in global commerce. Regional challenges in economic evolution, volume 101 (Issue 3), pages 127-134. DOI: 10.26726/1812-7096-2019-3-127-134
2. (23.05.2023) The the idea of technological advancement in the next decade until 2030. The Russian government's official website. Link: http://static.government.ru/media/files/KlJ6A00A1K5t8Aw93NfRG6P8OIbBp18F.pdf
3. (The 2022 Annual Report from CAICT (China Academy of Information and Communications Technology) will be available on May 12, 2023. Access the report online at the following URL: https://academy.itu.int/itu-d/projects-activities/itu-academy-training-centres/centres/China%2520Academy%2520of%2520Information%2520and%2520Communications%2520Technology
4. (On May 12th, 2023, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) released their latest annual report for 2022, which can be accessed at the following URL: https://academy.itu.int/itu-d/projects-activities/itu-academy-training-centres/centres/China%2520Academy%2520of%2520Information%2520and%2520Communications%2520Technology
5. The Intellectual Property Data Center provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization can be accessed at the following URL: https://www3.wipo.int/ipstats/keyindex.htm;jsessionid=90B145D56DB6B28C6F34A96CBAB7B874
6. (The Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, as amended until October 17, 2020, can be found on WIPO Lex at the following URL: https://www.wipo.int/wipolex/ru/text/585084
7. Roles of the WIPO. The authorized site of the World Intellectual Property Organization. URL:https://www.wipo.int/portal/ru/
8. The Paris Convention safeguarding Industrial Property. WIPO Lex link: https://wipolex.wipo.int/ru/text/379398
9. Alekseeva, Olga, Vorozhevich, Arina, Grin, Elena. (2019). Intellectual property law : textbook. Statute, 2019. – Volume 4. pp.379-386 URL: https://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book&id=571952
10. Protocol to the Madrid Agreement for the Global Registration of Trademarks. WIPO Lex. Link: https://www.wipo.int/madrid/ru/legal_texts/protocol/madrid_protocol.htm

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