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Английский тест Синергия (Ответы 2 семестр)

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Английский ответы тест Синергия 2 семестр.
Собрана база ответов - Оценка выше 90 баллов (Отлично)

Is there a car park?
OK. What is it?
Yes, there is.

What do you think?
Yes, I do.
I think we need to target young people.

How about a cup of tea?
Yes, please.
OK. What is it?

Mr Albert … to meetings.
doesn’t go
not go
isn’t go

She … her work already.
has finished
hasn't finished

you … many cities when you were in France.
have visited
did visit
are visiting

A. … credit card details, please?
B. It’s a MasterCard. The number is …
Can I have your
What about using

We ... for a walk when it ... raining.
will go, will stop
will go, stops
are going, will stop

It has allowed many people to set up their own businesses. Some of these people are very young, even under the age of 18.The workplace … increasingly stressful for many people, with longer hours and polluted air in big cities.

In a real life situation it is not easy to start speaking with a complete stranger, a person in power or a child. The internet … your age, class and looks.
The weather ... hotter and hotter.
has been getting
is getting

I hope Kate is coming soon. I ... for two hours.
had been waiting
have been waiting
am waiting

A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate your interests, personality, ... and values.
We ... 20 new buildings this year.
have built
had built

At last Kate came. I ... for two hours.
had been waiting
am waiting
have been waiting

He or she will then show you how all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession. Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various ... .

Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think about .. ... a career counselor.

This happens because computers … to com¬pensate for feelings of loneliness, marital and work problems, poor social life, and financial problems.
are used

But if you do not enjoy what you do then you are .. ... wasting a large part of your life.

The biggest concern about people using the internet is … addicted to it.

Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to ..... .

She’s a very … person – she likes to be on time.

And what … now?
do you do
are you doing

… Ricardo drive to work?

What did you learn from your last job?
I learned how to be patient.
OK, I’ll take a look at one.

Last night I … home at 11. I … supper and then … to bed.
came, had, went
came, have had, went
have come, had. went

What day suits you?
How about Wednesday?
I think we need to target young people

A. … Pascal’s is the best restaurant. The food is delicious.
B. Yes, I agree. The food is great.
I think
What about using

What time … it …?
had happened
has happened
did happen

Oscar … from home.
sometimes works
works sometimes
sometime work

They … for 20 minutes when his mother came in.
had been talking
were talking

At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all … but no pay, things can get difficult.

I ... to the news on television at nine o'clock last night
had been listening
was listening
have been listening

The company … only four people and they all work in one office.

This office building … a meeting room.
doesn’t have
not have

When I … it … yesterday.
woke up, was raining
wake up, was raining
woke up, rained

Why don’t you buy a self-study course?
Yes, there is.
OK, I’ll take a look at one.

I … you later, OK?
‘ll call

I … for you for more than one hour.
was waiting
has waited
have been waiting

Yesterday my flight … at about three o’clock in the afternoon.

Tomorrow at five he … football.
'11 play
'11 be playing

Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … from the office.
too far
far enough

Will you … the bank when you go out?
have passed
be passing

A. … training to do my job properly.
B. I’m sorry. It’s just not possible.
Can I have your
I need some

His grandfather … from his job a year ago.
has retired
was retiring

Now I … for a taxi.
am waiting

He … it for an hour before I came.
have been doing
had been doing
had been done

Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?
OK, I’ll take a look at one.
I’m afraid he isn’t in the office today.

There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.
Yes, please.
OK. What is it?

When … in Thailand?
have you arrived
did you arrive

A. … my new camera.
B. Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that.
I’m afraid I can’t make
I have a problem with

My suggestion is to go for a cocktail.
Yes, I do.
That’s a great idea.

She started her job last year, … April.

The room looks very clean … you … it?
Do, clean
Have, cleaned
Did, clean

I … my breakfast.
have already had

Karina is … but she lives and works in London.

Kate has been working here ...
two years ago
for two years
since two years

The internet has changed people's life dramatically. It has allowed people from all over the world … with each other and express their ideas and opinions.
to communicate

How long ... you ... Kate?
did know
have known
had been

I ... when my friend ...
was sleeping, called
slept, was calling
slept, called

Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary …. and perks.

Water ... at 100 degrees.
will boil
will have been boiling

I ... here all my life.
have lived
am living
have living

How long ... you ...?
Since I was 17.
have driven
did drive
have been driving

We are late. The film ... by the time we get to the cinema.
will already start
will be already started
will already have started

After they ... they cleared the table.
had eaten
have eaten

We end up more .. ... than we were at the beginning.

interviewing people who are already in that profession. Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various ... .

... he ... about the opera before?
had spoken
was speaking
has spoken

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (5).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (7).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (2).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
"I don't know how you stay at home all day... I would be bored out of my mind", was a comment I often heard when I stayed at
home. Was I bored? Never! I mastered the housework so that I wasn't a slave to it. Obviously, there was the cleaning to be
done regularly but it was the sharing of the tidying up that made the difference. My family learnt to tidy up after themselves
and if there was a bit of accumulated dust it would wait until the end of the week when a day was set aside for a thorough
cleaning. I established a routine for the necessary chores that had to be done daily, but if they weren't completed by lunchtime,
they were left until the next day. That way I had time to pursue my own interests and to spend time with the children as well.

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (6).
be used
be using
have used

Choose true sentence according to the text. Homemaking…
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and
have a rest when I wanted. If I didn't feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine.
Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work
taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a
homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive,
witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
is hard work with long hours.
made for a financially difficult period.
is beneficial for the family

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (1).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and have a rest when I wanted. If I didn't feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine.
Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive,
witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (4).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (8).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (3).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
Every family needs a homemaker. Whether this is the mum or dad, or part-time from both is irrelevant. In our family, we chose
the traditional role for me to stay at home, but some families choose the reverse, especially if the woman has the better-paid
job. We have actually experienced both since I had to work full-time when my husband was made redundant and stayed at
home for a time. The days when the person staying at home to look after the house and family was thought of as being "just a
housewife" have long gone, especially now that there is a role reversal and it is sometimes the man who stays home. Nowadays
there is a lot of pride in being the "homemaker". It is one of the most worthwhile careers and the rewards, although not
financial, are great. The family benefits from quality time from one parent all the time.

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Английский ответы тест Синергия 2 семестр.
Собрана база ответов - Оценка выше 90 баллов (Отлично)

Is there a car park?
OK. What is it?
Yes, there is.

What do you think?
Yes, I do.
I think we need to target young people.

How about a cup of tea?
Yes, please.
OK. What is it?

Mr Albert … to meetings.
doesn’t go
not go
isn’t go

She … her work already.
has finished
hasn't finished

you … many cities when you were in France.
have visited
did visit
are visiting

A. … credit card details, please?
B. It’s a MasterCard. The number is …
Can I have your
What about using

We ... for a walk when it ... raining.
will go, will stop
will go, stops
are going, will stop

It has allowed many people to set up their own businesses. Some of these people are very young, even under the age of 18.The workplace … increasingly stressful for many people, with longer hours and polluted air in big cities.

In a real life situation it is not easy to start speaking with a complete stranger, a person in power or a child. The internet … your age, class and looks.
The weather ... hotter and hotter.
has been getting
is getting

I hope Kate is coming soon. I ... for two hours.
had been waiting
have been waiting
am waiting

A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate your interests, personality, ... and values.
We ... 20 new buildings this year.
have built
had built

At last Kate came. I ... for two hours.
had been waiting
am waiting
have been waiting

He or she will then show you how all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession. Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various ... .

Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think about .. ... a career counselor.

This happens because computers … to com¬pensate for feelings of loneliness, marital and work problems, poor social life, and financial problems.
are used

But if you do not enjoy what you do then you are .. ... wasting a large part of your life.

The biggest concern about people using the internet is … addicted to it.

Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to ..... .

She’s a very … person – she likes to be on time.

And what … now?
do you do
are you doing

… Ricardo drive to work?

What did you learn from your last job?
I learned how to be patient.
OK, I’ll take a look at one.

Last night I … home at 11. I … supper and then … to bed.
came, had, went
came, have had, went
have come, had. went

What day suits you?
How about Wednesday?
I think we need to target young people

A. … Pascal’s is the best restaurant. The food is delicious.
B. Yes, I agree. The food is great.
I think
What about using

What time … it …?
had happened
has happened
did happen

Oscar … from home.
sometimes works
works sometimes
sometime work

They … for 20 minutes when his mother came in.
had been talking
were talking

At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all … but no pay, things can get difficult.

I ... to the news on television at nine o'clock last night
had been listening
was listening
have been listening

The company … only four people and they all work in one office.

This office building … a meeting room.
doesn’t have
not have

When I … it … yesterday.
woke up, was raining
wake up, was raining
woke up, rained

Why don’t you buy a self-study course?
Yes, there is.
OK, I’ll take a look at one.

I … you later, OK?
‘ll call

I … for you for more than one hour.
was waiting
has waited
have been waiting

Yesterday my flight … at about three o’clock in the afternoon.

Tomorrow at five he … football.
'11 play
'11 be playing

Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … from the office.
too far
far enough

Will you … the bank when you go out?
have passed
be passing

A. … training to do my job properly.
B. I’m sorry. It’s just not possible.
Can I have your
I need some

His grandfather … from his job a year ago.
has retired
was retiring

Now I … for a taxi.
am waiting

He … it for an hour before I came.
have been doing
had been doing
had been done

Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?
OK, I’ll take a look at one.
I’m afraid he isn’t in the office today.

There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.
Yes, please.
OK. What is it?

When … in Thailand?
have you arrived
did you arrive

A. … my new camera.
B. Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that.
I’m afraid I can’t make
I have a problem with

My suggestion is to go for a cocktail.
Yes, I do.
That’s a great idea.

She started her job last year, … April.

The room looks very clean … you … it?
Do, clean
Have, cleaned
Did, clean

I … my breakfast.
have already had

Karina is … but she lives and works in London.

Kate has been working here ...
two years ago
for two years
since two years

The internet has changed people's life dramatically. It has allowed people from all over the world … with each other and express their ideas and opinions.
to communicate

How long ... you ... Kate?
did know
have known
had been

I ... when my friend ...
was sleeping, called
slept, was calling
slept, called

Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary …. and perks.

Water ... at 100 degrees.
will boil
will have been boiling

I ... here all my life.
have lived
am living
have living

How long ... you ...?
Since I was 17.
have driven
did drive
have been driving

We are late. The film ... by the time we get to the cinema.
will already start
will be already started
will already have started

After they ... they cleared the table.
had eaten
have eaten

We end up more .. ... than we were at the beginning.

interviewing people who are already in that profession. Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various ... .

... he ... about the opera before?
had spoken
was speaking
has spoken

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (5).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (7).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (2).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
"I don't know how you stay at home all day... I would be bored out of my mind", was a comment I often heard when I stayed at
home. Was I bored? Never! I mastered the housework so that I wasn't a slave to it. Obviously, there was the cleaning to be
done regularly but it was the sharing of the tidying up that made the difference. My family learnt to tidy up after themselves
and if there was a bit of accumulated dust it would wait until the end of the week when a day was set aside for a thorough
cleaning. I established a routine for the necessary chores that had to be done daily, but if they weren't completed by lunchtime,
they were left until the next day. That way I had time to pursue my own interests and to spend time with the children as well.

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (6).
be used
be using
have used

Choose true sentence according to the text. Homemaking…
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and
have a rest when I wanted. If I didn't feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine.
Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work
taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a
homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive,
witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
is hard work with long hours.
made for a financially difficult period.
is beneficial for the family

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (1).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and have a rest when I wanted. If I didn't feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine.
Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive,
witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (4).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (8).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (3).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
Every family needs a homemaker. Whether this is the mum or dad, or part-time from both is irrelevant. In our family, we chose
the traditional role for me to stay at home, but some families choose the reverse, especially if the woman has the better-paid
job. We have actually experienced both since I had to work full-time when my husband was made redundant and stayed at
home for a time. The days when the person staying at home to look after the house and family was thought of as being "just a
housewife" have long gone, especially now that there is a role reversal and it is sometimes the man who stays home. Nowadays
there is a lot of pride in being the "homemaker". It is one of the most worthwhile careers and the rewards, although not
financial, are great. The family benefits from quality time from one parent all the time.

Весь текст будет доступен после покупки

отрывок из работы

Английский ответы тест Синергия 2 семестр.
Собрана база ответов - Оценка выше 90 баллов (Отлично)

Is there a car park?
OK. What is it?
Yes, there is.

What do you think?
Yes, I do.
I think we need to target young people.

How about a cup of tea?
Yes, please.
OK. What is it?

Mr Albert … to meetings.
doesn’t go
not go
isn’t go

She … her work already.
has finished
hasn't finished

you … many cities when you were in France.
have visited
did visit
are visiting

A. … credit card details, please?
B. It’s a MasterCard. The number is …
Can I have your
What about using

We ... for a walk when it ... raining.
will go, will stop
will go, stops
are going, will stop

It has allowed many people to set up their own businesses. Some of these people are very young, even under the age of 18.The workplace … increasingly stressful for many people, with longer hours and polluted air in big cities.

In a real life situation it is not easy to start speaking with a complete stranger, a person in power or a child. The internet … your age, class and looks.
The weather ... hotter and hotter.
has been getting
is getting

I hope Kate is coming soon. I ... for two hours.
had been waiting
have been waiting
am waiting

A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate your interests, personality, ... and values.
We ... 20 new buildings this year.
have built
had built

At last Kate came. I ... for two hours.
had been waiting
am waiting
have been waiting

He or she will then show you how all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession. Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various ... .

Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think about .. ... a career counselor.

This happens because computers … to com¬pensate for feelings of loneliness, marital and work problems, poor social life, and financial problems.
are used

But if you do not enjoy what you do then you are .. ... wasting a large part of your life.

The biggest concern about people using the internet is … addicted to it.

Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to ..... .

She’s a very … person – she likes to be on time.

And what … now?
do you do
are you doing

… Ricardo drive to work?

What did you learn from your last job?
I learned how to be patient.
OK, I’ll take a look at one.

Last night I … home at 11. I … supper and then … to bed.
came, had, went
came, have had, went
have come, had. went

What day suits you?
How about Wednesday?
I think we need to target young people

A. … Pascal’s is the best restaurant. The food is delicious.
B. Yes, I agree. The food is great.
I think
What about using

What time … it …?
had happened
has happened
did happen

Oscar … from home.
sometimes works
works sometimes
sometime work

They … for 20 minutes when his mother came in.
had been talking
were talking

At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all … but no pay, things can get difficult.

I ... to the news on television at nine o'clock last night
had been listening
was listening
have been listening

The company … only four people and they all work in one office.

This office building … a meeting room.
doesn’t have
not have

When I … it … yesterday.
woke up, was raining
wake up, was raining
woke up, rained

Why don’t you buy a self-study course?
Yes, there is.
OK, I’ll take a look at one.

I … you later, OK?
‘ll call

I … for you for more than one hour.
was waiting
has waited
have been waiting

Yesterday my flight … at about three o’clock in the afternoon.

Tomorrow at five he … football.
'11 play
'11 be playing

Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … from the office.
too far
far enough

Will you … the bank when you go out?
have passed
be passing

A. … training to do my job properly.
B. I’m sorry. It’s just not possible.
Can I have your
I need some

His grandfather … from his job a year ago.
has retired
was retiring

Now I … for a taxi.
am waiting

He … it for an hour before I came.
have been doing
had been doing
had been done

Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?
OK, I’ll take a look at one.
I’m afraid he isn’t in the office today.

There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.
Yes, please.
OK. What is it?

When … in Thailand?
have you arrived
did you arrive

A. … my new camera.
B. Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that.
I’m afraid I can’t make
I have a problem with

My suggestion is to go for a cocktail.
Yes, I do.
That’s a great idea.

She started her job last year, … April.

The room looks very clean … you … it?
Do, clean
Have, cleaned
Did, clean

I … my breakfast.
have already had

Karina is … but she lives and works in London.

Kate has been working here ...
two years ago
for two years
since two years

The internet has changed people's life dramatically. It has allowed people from all over the world … with each other and express their ideas and opinions.
to communicate

How long ... you ... Kate?
did know
have known
had been

I ... when my friend ...
was sleeping, called
slept, was calling
slept, called

Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary …. and perks.

Water ... at 100 degrees.
will boil
will have been boiling

I ... here all my life.
have lived
am living
have living

How long ... you ...?
Since I was 17.
have driven
did drive
have been driving

We are late. The film ... by the time we get to the cinema.
will already start
will be already started
will already have started

After they ... they cleared the table.
had eaten
have eaten

We end up more .. ... than we were at the beginning.

interviewing people who are already in that profession. Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various ... .

... he ... about the opera before?
had spoken
was speaking
has spoken

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (5).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (7).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (2).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
"I don't know how you stay at home all day... I would be bored out of my mind", was a comment I often heard when I stayed at
home. Was I bored? Never! I mastered the housework so that I wasn't a slave to it. Obviously, there was the cleaning to be
done regularly but it was the sharing of the tidying up that made the difference. My family learnt to tidy up after themselves
and if there was a bit of accumulated dust it would wait until the end of the week when a day was set aside for a thorough
cleaning. I established a routine for the necessary chores that had to be done daily, but if they weren't completed by lunchtime,
they were left until the next day. That way I had time to pursue my own interests and to spend time with the children as well.

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (6).
be used
be using
have used

Choose true sentence according to the text. Homemaking…
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and
have a rest when I wanted. If I didn't feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine.
Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work
taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a
homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive,
witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
is hard work with long hours.
made for a financially difficult period.
is beneficial for the family

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (1).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and have a rest when I wanted. If I didn't feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine.
Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive,
witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (4).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (8).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (3).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
Every family needs a homemaker. Whether this is the mum or dad, or part-time from both is irrelevant. In our family, we chose
the traditional role for me to stay at home, but some families choose the reverse, especially if the woman has the better-paid
job. We have actually experienced both since I had to work full-time when my husband was made redundant and stayed at
home for a time. The days when the person staying at home to look after the house and family was thought of as being "just a
housewife" have long gone, especially now that there is a role reversal and it is sometimes the man who stays home. Nowadays
there is a lot of pride in being the "homemaker". It is one of the most worthwhile careers and the rewards, although not
financial, are great. The family benefits from quality time from one parent all the time.

Весь текст будет доступен после покупки

Список литературы

Английский ответы тест Синергия 2 семестр.
Собрана база ответов - Оценка выше 90 баллов (Отлично)

Is there a car park?
OK. What is it?
Yes, there is.

What do you think?
Yes, I do.
I think we need to target young people.

How about a cup of tea?
Yes, please.
OK. What is it?

Mr Albert … to meetings.
doesn’t go
not go
isn’t go

She … her work already.
has finished
hasn't finished

you … many cities when you were in France.
have visited
did visit
are visiting

A. … credit card details, please?
B. It’s a MasterCard. The number is …
Can I have your
What about using

We ... for a walk when it ... raining.
will go, will stop
will go, stops
are going, will stop

It has allowed many people to set up their own businesses. Some of these people are very young, even under the age of 18.The workplace … increasingly stressful for many people, with longer hours and polluted air in big cities.

In a real life situation it is not easy to start speaking with a complete stranger, a person in power or a child. The internet … your age, class and looks.
The weather ... hotter and hotter.
has been getting
is getting

I hope Kate is coming soon. I ... for two hours.
had been waiting
have been waiting
am waiting

A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate your interests, personality, ... and values.
We ... 20 new buildings this year.
have built
had built

At last Kate came. I ... for two hours.
had been waiting
am waiting
have been waiting

He or she will then show you how all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession. Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various ... .

Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think about .. ... a career counselor.

This happens because computers … to com¬pensate for feelings of loneliness, marital and work problems, poor social life, and financial problems.
are used

But if you do not enjoy what you do then you are .. ... wasting a large part of your life.

The biggest concern about people using the internet is … addicted to it.

Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to ..... .

She’s a very … person – she likes to be on time.

And what … now?
do you do
are you doing

… Ricardo drive to work?

What did you learn from your last job?
I learned how to be patient.
OK, I’ll take a look at one.

Last night I … home at 11. I … supper and then … to bed.
came, had, went
came, have had, went
have come, had. went

What day suits you?
How about Wednesday?
I think we need to target young people

A. … Pascal’s is the best restaurant. The food is delicious.
B. Yes, I agree. The food is great.
I think
What about using

What time … it …?
had happened
has happened
did happen

Oscar … from home.
sometimes works
works sometimes
sometime work

They … for 20 minutes when his mother came in.
had been talking
were talking

At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all … but no pay, things can get difficult.

I ... to the news on television at nine o'clock last night
had been listening
was listening
have been listening

The company … only four people and they all work in one office.

This office building … a meeting room.
doesn’t have
not have

When I … it … yesterday.
woke up, was raining
wake up, was raining
woke up, rained

Why don’t you buy a self-study course?
Yes, there is.
OK, I’ll take a look at one.

I … you later, OK?
‘ll call

I … for you for more than one hour.
was waiting
has waited
have been waiting

Yesterday my flight … at about three o’clock in the afternoon.

Tomorrow at five he … football.
'11 play
'11 be playing

Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … from the office.
too far
far enough

Will you … the bank when you go out?
have passed
be passing

A. … training to do my job properly.
B. I’m sorry. It’s just not possible.
Can I have your
I need some

His grandfather … from his job a year ago.
has retired
was retiring

Now I … for a taxi.
am waiting

He … it for an hour before I came.
have been doing
had been doing
had been done

Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?
OK, I’ll take a look at one.
I’m afraid he isn’t in the office today.

There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.
Yes, please.
OK. What is it?

When … in Thailand?
have you arrived
did you arrive

A. … my new camera.
B. Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that.
I’m afraid I can’t make
I have a problem with

My suggestion is to go for a cocktail.
Yes, I do.
That’s a great idea.

She started her job last year, … April.

The room looks very clean … you … it?
Do, clean
Have, cleaned
Did, clean

I … my breakfast.
have already had

Karina is … but she lives and works in London.

Kate has been working here ...
two years ago
for two years
since two years

The internet has changed people's life dramatically. It has allowed people from all over the world … with each other and express their ideas and opinions.
to communicate

How long ... you ... Kate?
did know
have known
had been

I ... when my friend ...
was sleeping, called
slept, was calling
slept, called

Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary …. and perks.

Water ... at 100 degrees.
will boil
will have been boiling

I ... here all my life.
have lived
am living
have living

How long ... you ...?
Since I was 17.
have driven
did drive
have been driving

We are late. The film ... by the time we get to the cinema.
will already start
will be already started
will already have started

After they ... they cleared the table.
had eaten
have eaten

We end up more .. ... than we were at the beginning.

interviewing people who are already in that profession. Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various ... .

... he ... about the opera before?
had spoken
was speaking
has spoken

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (5).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (7).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (2).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
"I don't know how you stay at home all day... I would be bored out of my mind", was a comment I often heard when I stayed at
home. Was I bored? Never! I mastered the housework so that I wasn't a slave to it. Obviously, there was the cleaning to be
done regularly but it was the sharing of the tidying up that made the difference. My family learnt to tidy up after themselves
and if there was a bit of accumulated dust it would wait until the end of the week when a day was set aside for a thorough
cleaning. I established a routine for the necessary chores that had to be done daily, but if they weren't completed by lunchtime,
they were left until the next day. That way I had time to pursue my own interests and to spend time with the children as well.

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be
(1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally
clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its
construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what
they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by
turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (6).
be used
be using
have used

Choose true sentence according to the text. Homemaking…
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and
have a rest when I wanted. If I didn't feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine.
Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work
taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a
homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive,
witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
is hard work with long hours.
made for a financially difficult period.
is beneficial for the family

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (1).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and have a rest when I wanted. If I didn't feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine.
Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive,
witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money.
Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One
of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (4).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (8).

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth's energy needs are (2) ... by wind,
with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8). concerned by the numbers of bats
being. killed, prompting ongoing research. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (3).

Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title.
Every family needs a homemaker. Whether this is the mum or dad, or part-time from both is irrelevant. In our family, we chose
the traditional role for me to stay at home, but some families choose the reverse, especially if the woman has the better-paid
job. We have actually experienced both since I had to work full-time when my husband was made redundant and stayed at
home for a time. The days when the person staying at home to look after the house and family was thought of as being "just a
housewife" have long gone, especially now that there is a role reversal and it is sometimes the man who stays home. Nowadays
there is a lot of pride in being the "homemaker". It is one of the most worthwhile careers and the rewards, although not
financial, are great. The family benefits from quality time from one parent all the time.

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