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Исследование влияния хромовых покрытий на эксплуатационные параметры реактора

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Introduction 13
1 Coatings on the shells of the fuel elements 15
1.1 Chrome coatings 15
1.1.1 Kinetics of the Cr-Zr interface 16
1.1.2 CrN coating 24
1.1.3 CrNi coating 29
1.2 MAX phase coatings 34
1.3 Steel coatings 35
2 MCU model 36
2.1 Campaign calculation 38
2.2 Flux calculation 41
3 Financial management, resource efficiency and resource conservation 47
3.1 Assessment of the commercial potential and the prospects for conducting scientific research from the standpoint of resource efficiency and resource conservation 47
3.2 Analysis of competitive technical solutions 48
3.3 SWOT analysis 49
3.4 Project initiation 50
3.4.1 The goals and results of the project 51
3.5 Organization and planning of work 51
3.5.1 Development of a schedule for scientific and technical research 52
3.6 Research budget 56
3.6.1 Calculation of material costs 56
3.6.2 Salary 57
3.6.3 Calculation of social tax costs 58
3.6.4 Depreciation calculation 58
3.6.5 Calculation of other expenses 59
3.6.6 Calculation of the total cost of development 59
3.7 Determination of resource (resource-saving), financial, budgetary, social and economic efficiency of the study 59
3.8 Section conclusions 61
4 Social responsibility 62
4.1 Legal and organizational issues of security 62
4.2 Analysis of identified harmful and dangerous factors arising during the study 63
4.3 Deviations of microclimate indicators 63
4.4 Level of electromagnetic radiation 64
4.5 Noise level 65
4.6 Neuropsychic overload 66
4.7 Illumination of the working area 67
4.8 Fire and explosion safety 68
4.9 Electrical safety 69
4.10 Emergencies 70
4.11 Section conclusions 71
Conclusion 73
Bibliography 74

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In the modern world, the issue of energy production is very acute. Installations developed around the world for the production of energy must meet a number of requirements. Such requirements include the cheapness of the installation and the safety of its operation throughout the entire process. One way to solve this problem is the development of nuclear energy.
Today, about 450 nuclear reactors are operated in the world, and along with them, new power units are being built. There are several options for the design of nuclear reactors - in many countries, development was carried out at the same time. PWR (pressurized water reactor), BWR (boiling water reactor) - is mainly used in Europe and Asia, ВВЭР (водо-водяной энергетический реактор) (российская разработка, нет перевода) is a Russian reactor design, CANDU is a reactor developed in Canada.
Basic nuclear fuel - fuel assemblies (fuel assemblies) containing fuel elements (fuel element). The fuel elements of light-water thermal neutron reactors consist of shells made of zirconium-based alloys and nuclear fuel in the form of tablets of a uranium composite. The cladding of a fuel rod is the first physical security barrier to the exit of fission products of nuclear fuel into the coolant, which means that it must meet certain requirements for wear resistance.
Due to the good balance between corrosion resistance, neutron transparency and mechanical properties, zirconium-based alloys have been used since the 1960s for the production of fuel elements in light-water reactors (LWR). However, after the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi NPP in 2011, there has been an increase in international efforts to develop cladding materials with increased accident resistance (tolerant fuel) [1-6]. One of the main goals of this development is to increase the resistance of the nuclear fuel shell to oxidation under the influence of steam at high temperature, which is typical for such hypothetical design accidents as accidents with loss of coolant.
When studying the properties of zirconium-based alloys (E110, zirkaloy-4, etc.), a critical point was found with a temperature of 350 °C, at which the mechanical properties of the material change - strength deteriorates, ductility increases. With a further increase to 400-500 °C, we obtain a range of zirconium chemical activity in which an explosive "explosive" mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is released. If you continue to increase the temperature, we come across the interaction of zirconium with steam, which only accelerates the already exothermic reaction of the formation of hydrogen and oxygen [7].

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отрывок из работы

1 Coatings on the shells of the fuel elements
A few words about the choice of materials for coatings. Zirconium is a material that undergoes a form change: firstly, it has a phase alpha-beta transformation; secondly, having an hcp lattice, it is subject to radiation growth, and under prolonged exposure it experiences radiation creep. Therefore, the coating should maintain adhesion to the alloy during the process of forming the shell during normal operation. In addition, the coating should slow down the diffusion of oxygen and hydrogen. The thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of the coating should be close to the TEC of the zirconium alloy. In addition, a coating technology should be developed. It should not have its own form change, it should adaptively change with the substrate. Finally, the coating should not impair the properties of the sheath material [8].
1.1 Chrome coatings
Consider the advantages and disadvantages of chrome coatings. From the pros: high melting point; corrosion resistance in superheated water - up to 1000 °C; high thermal conductivity. However, they also have a number of critical shortcomings. First, natural brittleness: chrome has a very low elongation, and it does not increase when coated. Secondly, chromium diffuses appreciably in bcc zirconium, penetrating considerable distances; also chromium with zirconium forms a brittle phase - ZrCr? and eutectic at a temperature of 1332 °C. Thirdly, chromium has a larger neutron capture cross section than that of zirconium, and you may have to think about fuel enrichment ???U.
Tests of chrome coatings (for resistance to various types of oxidation in water and steam over a wide temperature range from 350 °C to 1200 °C; for wear resistance; mechanical, including resistance to creep and expansion of the shell, welding of coated shells) gave positive results [8].

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Список литературы

1. S.J. Zinkle, K.A. Terrani, J.C. Gehin, L.J. Ott, L.L. Snead Accident tolerant fuels for LWRs: a perspective J. Nucl. Mater., 448 (2014), pp. 374-379
2. Y.-H. Koo, J.-H. Yang, J.-Y. Park, K.-S. Kim, H.-G. Kim, D.-J. Kim, et al. KAERI’s development of LWR accident tolerant fuel Nucl. Technol., 186 (2014) 295–30
3. M. Kurata Research and development methodology for practical use of accident tolerant fuel in light water reactors Nucl. Eng. Technol., 48 (2016), pp. 26-32
4.Z. Duan, H. Yang, Y. Satoh, K. Murakami, S. Kano, Z. Zhao, J. Shen, Abe Current status of materials development of nuclear fuel cladding tubes, for light water reactors Nucl. Eng. Des., 316 (2017), pp. 131-150
5. K.A. Terrani Accident tolerant fuel cladding development: promise, status, and challenges J. Nucl. Mater., 501 (2018), pp. 13-30
6. State-of-the-art Report on Light Water Reactor Accident Tolerant Fuel: Cladding, Core Materials and Advanced Fuel Designs, OECD, NEA Report n°7317 (2018)
7. С.А. Андрушечко, А.М. Афров, Б.Ю. Васильев, В.Н. Генералов, К.Б. Косоуров, Ю.М. Семченков, В.Ф. Украинцев / АЭС с реактором типа ВВЭР-1000. От физических основ эксплуатации до эволюции проекта - М.: Логос, 2010. - 604 с. + цв. вклейки.
8. Калин Б. А. Толерантное топливо: перспективы [Электронный ресурс] // Атомный эксперт. – 2019. – №2-3. – С. 98-103. Режим доступа: http://atomicexpert.com/ .
9. J.C. Brachet, I. Idarraga-Trujillo, M. Le Flem, M. Le Saux, V. Vandenberghe, S. Urvoy, E. Rouesne, T. Guilbert, C. Toffolon-Masclet, M. Tupin, C. Phalippou, F. Lomello, F. Schuster, A. Billard, G. Velisa, C. Ducros, F. Sanchette Early studies on Cr-Coated Zircaloy-4 as Enhanced Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuel Claddings for Light Water Reactors J. Nucl. Mater., 517 (2019), pp. 268-285.
10. J. Bischoff, C. Delafoy, P. Barberis, D. Perche, B. Buerin, J.-C. Brachet Development of Cr-coated zirconium cladding for enhanced accident tolerance Proceedings of TopFuel Conference 2016, Boise, ID, USA (2016) September.
11. J.C. Brachet, M. Le Saux, V. Lezaud-Chaillioux, M. Dumerval, Q. Houmaire, F. Lomello, F. Schuster, E. Monsifrot, J. Bischoff, E. Pouillier Behavior under LOCA conditions of enhanced accident tolerant chromium coated zircaloy-4 claddings Proceedings of TopFuel 2016 Conference, Boise, ID, USA (2016) September.
12. J. Ribis, A. Wu, J.-C. Brachet, F. Barcelo, B. Arnal Atomic-scale interface structure of a Cr-coated Zircaloy-4 material J. Mater. Sci., 53 (2018), pp. 9879-9895.

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