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Структура предложений в английском и испанском языках

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1. THE SENTENCE STRUCTURE IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH..........................................6
1.1. Types of sentences according to the structure.............................................................10
1.2 Types of sentences according to the purpose of the utterance......................................13
2.1. Comparative analysis of the types of sentences according to the structure on the material of fiction...........................................................................................................................19
2.2 Comparative analysis of the types of sentences according to the purpose of the utterance on the material of colloquial speech................................................................................................21 2.3 Comparative analysis of the inversion..........................................................................24
2.4 Comparative analysis of English and Spanish: Miguel de Cervantes “Don Quixote”...26

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English students are familiar with the joke: "What happens if you learn the dictionary? You will know the English-Russian language." However, it is well-known that simply knowing the vocabulary of a language will not help in live communication, as we primarily operate with higher-order phrases and sentences in speech.

In linguistics, a sentence is a harmonious combination of words (and sometimes just one word) that is created according to certain grammatical rules and characterized by a single meaning and intonation completeness. Sentences vary in type and can be distinguished based on different parameters, making it important to understand and comply with the grammatical structure of the language being studied.

This paper aims to explore the structure of English and Spanish sentences. The relevance of this study lies in the need to understand the structure of these sentences, as it is a crucial aspect of studying the languages. The object of the study is English and Spanish sentences, while the subject focuses on the constituents of these sentences.

The purpose of the is to investigate the peculiarities of sentence structure in English and Spanish. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set:

1. To examine sentence types based on structure in English and Spanish.
2. To explore sentence types based on the purpose of the utterance in English and Spanish.
3. To conduct a comparative analysis of English and Spanish sentences using fiction and colloquial speech as materials.

Various methods will be employed in this research, including semantic analysis, synthesis, functional analysis, structural analysis, classification, and comparison. The materials used for this study include works by English and Spanish authors, such as Miguel de Cantes' "Don Quijote de la Mancha".

The theoretical basis for this research includes the works of S.M. Voronez, A.N. Pavlova, A.A. Karlova, I.G. Konstantinova, and A.I. Smirnytsky.

This research consists of four parts: introduction two chapters, and conclusion. The first chapter, "Syntax of the English and Spanish languages," describes the syntactic properties of English and Spanish sentences. The second chapter, "Comparative Analysis of English and Spanish sentences," explores the application of these syntactic properties in both languages. The conclusion summarizes the main ideas derived from the study.

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отрывок из работы

According to I.I. Meshchaninov, syntax is primarily concerned with the form, content, and components of a sentence. It is a branch of grammar that focuses on word order and word agreement in a sentence. In English, the order of words is crucial and changing it can alter the meaning of a sentence. Unlike many other languages that use inflections to indicate sentence functions, English relies heavily on word order due to its limited use of inflections.
A.I. Smirnitsky further emphasizes the significance of word order in English sentences. It not only indicates the connection between words but also helps refine nature of this connection through other means such as word forms and functional words. The rigid and precise word order in English makes it essential in conveying the intended meaning of a sentence.
Changing the word order in an English sentence can disrupt the connection between words and ultimately change the overall meaning of the sentence.
Every sentence, in both English and Spanish, conveys a complete thought. To ensure coherence and clarity, certain elements must be present in a sentence. In English, every sentence consists of two essential components: the subject, which is the main actor or topic of the sentence, and the predicate, which describes the action performed by the subject.

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Список литературы

1. Абрамова М.Д. Практическии курс испанского языка. – М.: Хит-книга, 2019. – 384с.
2. Бархударов, Л. С. Грамматика consider англииского presence языка. – М.: ЛЕНАНД, 2016. – 425 с.
3. Блох, М. Я. Теоретическая Languages грамматика the англииского The языка. – М.: two Феникс+., 2017. –460 с.
4. Васильев А. Англиискии: правила произношения и чтения, грамматика, разговорныи язык. – Интернет-издание, 2005. – 648 c.
5. Верба, Л. Г., English Верба, Г.В. Грамматика Miguel современного know англииского where языка. Справочник. – expanses Киев.: Scientific Логос, 2009. – 368 с.
6. Гузеева, К. А., this Костыгина язык С. И. Инфинитив sentences Грамматика words англииского PRESENTATION языка. – СПб.: Издательство mucho Союз, 2000. – 320 с.
7. Иванова, И. П. и the др. Теоретическая indicate грамматика fell современного Practice англииского англииского языка: often Учебник / И. П. Иванова, the В. В. Бурлакова., The Т. Т.

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