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1.1 Phraseological Units as Functional Units of Language and Speech 9
1.2 Classification of Phraseological Units in Linguistics 13
1.3 Types of Phraseological Units Transformations 21
1.4 Summary of Results 23
2.1 Phraseological Units in the Novel «David Copperfield» and their Translation 26
2.2 Phraseological Units in the Story « The Cricket on the Hearth» and their Translation 32
2.3 Phraseological Units in the Story «Dr. Merigold's Recipes» and their Translation 35
2.4 Results and Discussion 41
3.1 Practical Relevance of the Research Results in Linguistics 43
3.2 Practical Relevance of the Research Results in Translation 46
3.3 Practical Research of the Research Results in Lexicography 49
3.4 Results and Recommendations 53

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Phraseology is a special branch of theoretical linguistics that reflects the totality of expressive means of language. Phraseological units are used for naming objects, signs, actions, and are also a way of developing and enriching the vocabulary of the Russian language. The use of stable expressions in speech is understood as an indicator of a high level language culture and improving speech skills. Most phraseological units are untranslatable into other languages: each nation shows its own nature in them, the usual figurative way of speech. Phraseological units of different languages are the result of the historical development of a certain culture and the features of world cognition of a particular nation. In phraseology myths, traditions and customs of the country are reflected as stable phrases. Therefore, it is quite natural that many researchers cover this area.
Recently, a large number of works on phraseology related to their features have been written functioning in speech, semantics, structure and their composition. These features are clearly reflected in the works of great writers who have enriched not only the English language, but also its phraseological fund.
The relevance of this work lies in the fact that in linguistics, interest in phraseological resources of the language, as well as their role in the formation of the author's style in fiction in particular, does not dry up.
The objective of the work is to identify and describe the techniques of transformation of phraseological units in the works of Charles Dickens.
In accordance with the objective of the research, the following tasks are set:
1. to analyze the literature on the research topic;
2. to identify the methods of transformation of phraseological units in the works of Charles Dickens "David Copperfield", " The Cricket on the Hearth", "Dr. Merigold's Recipes";
3. to identify the author's features in the works of Charles Dickens "David Copperfield", " The Cricket on the Hearth", "Dr. Merigold's Recipes";

4. to analyze and describe the techniques of transformation of phraseological units in the works of Charles Dickens "David Copperfield", " The Cricket on the Hearth", "Dr. Merigold's Recipes".
The subject of the study are the types of translation of phraseological units. The object of the study is phraseological units in the works of Charles Dickens. The research is based on the problem of transformation of phraseological units. The issue the scholars studied for example, Charles Bally, N. M Shansky, A. I.
Smirnitsky, A. V. Koonin, V. V. Vinogradov and T.S. Guseinova.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it presents a number of particular observations and conclusions regarding the role of phraseological units and their transformations in a literary text, made as a result of the analysis of a specific material.
The following methods are used for the conducting of the profound research:
- the method of classification;
- the method of comparison;
- the method of description.
The material under research is based on the works of Charles Dickens "David Copperfield", " The Cricket on the Hearth", "Dr. Marigolds Recipes".
Theoretical background is the analysis of the role of phraseological units and their occasional use in the formation of the author's style of Charles Dickens.
The practical significance of the research is the fact that the results of the present study can be applied to practical usage in linguistics, translation and lexicology.
The study consists of Introduction, three Chapters and Conclusion.
Chapter 1 is devoted to the term "phraseological unit", the types of phraseological units in relation to modern English, different approaches to the classification of phraseological units are considered. Various types of contextual transformations of phraseological units are also considered.

Chapter 2 is devoted to the analysis of material from the works of Charles Dickens "David Copperfield", " The Cricket on the Hearth", "Dr. Merigold's Recipes".
Chapter 3 is devoted to the practical application of the results of the present study.
In Conclusion the acquired data and the results of the research are summarized.
Reference includes the list of used literature. Appendix includes the list of material.

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отрывок из работы

1.1 Phraseological Units as Functional Units of Language and SpeechIn almost any language system, along with individual words, such linguistic units, such turns as phraseological units or phraseological units, are used, which are different from free phrases and words. They are studied by the section of linguistics, phraseology, the founder of which is considered to be a Swiss linguist of French origin, Charles Bally, who for the first time classified combinations of words in his
works: "French Stylistics" and "Essay of Stylistics" [24].
Sh. Bally divides combinations of words according to their degree of stability into two subgroups: combinations where there are combinations and freedom of grouping of components that are deprived of such freedom [22]. However, the linguist depicts these groups only schematically, without giving a detailed description of them. In his "French stylistics" he considers the second and third groups (familiar combinations and phraseological series) as intermediate types of combinations of words and distinguishes two main groups of phrases: free combinations and phraseological units. Phraseological unities imply combinations, the components of which, regularly used in these combinations to express the same thought, lose their independent meaning [6].
Each phrase gets a new value, different from the sum of the values of the components. The linguist also emphasizes that "if unity is used to a sufficient extent, it becomes obvious that in this case the combination of words will be equivalent to a simple word" [6].

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Список литературы

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3. Амбражейчик, А. 1000 русских и английских идиом, фразеологизмов, устойчивых сочетаний. – Минск: Попурри, 2005. – 306 с.
4. Амосова, Н. Н. Основы английской фразеологии. – Л. : ЛГУ, 1989. – 208 c.
5. Арнольд, И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка : учеб. для вузов. – 2-е изд. – М. : Наука, 2012. – 376 с.
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14. Волошин, Ю. К. Контрастивная фразеология // Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики. – 2014. – №16. –С. 418-423.
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