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Готовая работа №90941 от пользователя Смолина Инга

Лингвоэтнический барьер и способы его преодоления при переводе на основе произведений Василия Шукшина и их перевода на английский язык

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1.1 The adequacy of translation as ensuring cross-linguistic communication 8
1.2 Types and components of the linguistic and ethnic barrier 9
1.3 Difficulties of the translator when working with literary texts 13
1.4 Summary of results 15
2.1 Ways to convey realities in translation 17
2.2 Ways of transmitting dialectisms in translation 20
2.3 Ways to convey colloquial expressions in translation 22
2.4 Summary and discussion 24
Conclusion 25

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Differences in understanding between representatives of different cultures can create communication challenges and potential conflicts. This research aims to identify and address communication barriers that arise in intercultural interactions, particularly linguistic and ethnic barriers. These barriers are discussed in various studies, with concepts like "linguistic-ethnic barrier" and "linguistic-cultural barrier" being interpreted differently. The linguistic and cultural barrier is seen as obstacles to communication due to cultural differences reflected in language, while the linguistic and ethnic barriers are approached from an ethnolinguistics perspective. Ethnolinguistics examines language in relation to ethnic groups, blending linguistics, ethnography, and sociology. [1. P 3] From an ethnolinguistics standpoint, the linguistic and ethnic barrier presents a challenge to communication due to ethnic distinctions and variations in language comprehension among individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This study will examine the linguistic and cultural barrier as a more comprehensive concept compared to the linguistic and ethnic barrier. The linguistic-cultural barrier encompasses all factors that hinder a native speaker of a particular language from interpreting and reacting to a text in the same manner as someone from the original culture would. As per Latyshev (2009), components of the linguistic-cultural barrier include: [2]:
1. Differences in language structures.
2. The accepted forms within a language system perceived as rules by native speakers.
3. Linguistic traditions specific to certain languages and their spoken usage. The distinction between speech and language norms is that the latter includes only proper forms of language.
4. Variations in cultural knowledge outside of language among individuals from different national backgrounds.

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отрывок из работы

Various techniques and strategies are utilized in the teaching of second languages with the aim of attaining the best results. However, regardless of the method used, learners invariably encounter the challenge of overcoming the language barrier. This obstacle is a significant hurdle in the process of acquiring and utilizing a foreign language. Hence, it is essential to thoroughly examine the issue of the language barrier, exploring its various aspects and pinpointing the reasons behind its emergence early on in the language learning journey.
Representatives of different cultures often face challenges and obstacles when trying to understand each other, which can lead to conflicts. These challenges, largely rooted in cultural disparities, are commonly known as "intercultural barriers" in communication. The term "barriers" encompasses a wide range of obstacles that impede successful communication during interactions. Despite limited scientific analysis, the problem of barriers in intercultural communication can be categorized into language barriers and non-verbal barriers. Language barriers arise due to different cultural perceptions of social reality reflected in language structures and communication styles. These challenges are typically the initial and most prominent difficulties encountered when interacting with individuals from other cultures. Non-verbal barriers, on the other hand, involve discrepancies in the interpretation of nonverbal behaviors, which can affect communication effectiveness. Initially, these differences may spark surprise and concern, appearing strange and unfamiliar. However, over time, individuals may adapt to the diverse signals and unintentionally incorporate borrowed gestures from their counterparts.

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Список литературы

1. Sdobnikov V.V., Petrova O.V. Theory of translation: Textbook for translation faculties and faculties of foreign languages. – N.Novgorod: Publishing House of N.A.Dobrolyubov NGLU, 2001. – 307 p.
2. Semenova M.Yu. Fundamentals of text translation. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. – 352 p.
3. Kukueva G.V. The stories of V.M. Shukshin: a linguotypological study: monograph. Barnaul: BSPU, 2008.
4. Gerd, A.S. Introduction to ethnolinguistics [Text] / A.S. Gerd // St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University.
5. Efremova, T.F. Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / T.F. Efremova. M.: Astrel, 2006.
6. Cambridge Dictionary Online: Free English dictionary and thesaurus. [Online] Available at: http://dictionary.cambridge.org
7. Oxford dictionaries for students. [Online] Available at: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/
8.Collins Online English Dictionary. [Online] Available at: http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english
9. Longman Online English Dictionary. [Online] Available at: http:// www.ldoceonline.com
10. Thesaurus.com. [Electronic resource] Available at the link: http://thesaurus.com
11. Nelyubin, L.L. Explanatory translation dictionary [Electronic resource]. Moscow: Flint; Nauka.

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