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Methods of formation of lexical skills of students in the process of learning the official business style of the English language

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Introduction 4
1. Theoretical bases of the official business style of the English language 6
1.1 Official Business Style in English 6
1.2 The Role of Lexical Skills in Official Business Style 11

2. Methodology for Developing Students' Lexical Skills in the Official Business Style of English Language 16
2.1 Objectives and Tasks of the Methodology 16
2.2 Use of Authentic Materials and Resources for Enriching Lexical Repertoire 19
2.3 Practical Exercises and Assignments for Active Use of Business Vocabulary in the Context of Business Communication 27

3. Teaching Lexis in the Context of the Official Business Style 36
3.1 Lexis in the Official Business Style and Its Characteristics 36
3.2 Using Technologies in Lexical Learning 40
3.3 Analysis of Problems and Difficulties Associated with Developing Students' Lexical Skills 42
3.4 Modern Trends in Teaching Official Business Style 52
Conclusion 66
List of References 68

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In the modern world, proficiency in the English language has become an integral element of successful professional activity. Particularly significant are the skills of official and business style, which contribute to effective communication in business, scientific fields, and other professional areas. Correct usage of vocabulary and expressions in this style is crucial for conducting business negotiations efficiently, writing official letters, and documents. One of the key aspects of improving the official and business style is the development of students' lexical competence.
Relevance of the Topic: Today's world demands from graduates not only technical and professional skills but also highly developed language competence for successful interaction on the international stage. Modern requirements for proficiency in a foreign language include not only grammatical accuracy and listening skills but also the ability to use diverse and precise vocabulary in official and business situations. This is especially important for students preparing for future professional careers in the context of global globalization.
Here are several aspects that highlight the relevance of this topic:
? Business Communication: In business and official relations, it is important to be able to express thoughts effectively and accurately. Understanding the specifics of the official and business style helps create clear and professional messages.
? Legal Sphere: In legal texts, precision and clarity of language are extremely important. Errors in interpretation can have serious consequences. Understanding the terminology and style of legal texts becomes a key skill for specialists in this field.
? International Relations: In today's world, there are numerous international relations and diplomatic exchanges. Skills in using the official and business style help ensure clarity and precision in international agreements and negotiations.
? Complex Documents: Various fields, such as finance, science, healthcare, and public administration, require the creation of complex documents. Knowledge of the official and business style facilitates composing and understanding such documents.

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отрывок из работы

Chapter 1. Theoretical bases of the official business style of the English language

1.1 Official Business Style in English
The official business style in English is a specific style of communication and writing used in official or business contexts. It is characterized by formality, precision, and professionalism. The official business style has its own features and requirements that vary depending on the type of communication (written or oral) and the communication situation (business letter, presentation, negotiations, etc.). Here are several main characteristics of the official business style:
1. Formality: The official business style requires the use of formal expressions and avoiding informal or colloquial language. It involves using standard phrases and expressions such as "Dear Sir/Madam," "Yours faithfully," "We regret to inform you," etc.
2. Technical language: Depending on the field of business communication, the official business style may include specialized technical language and terms related to a specific industry or profession. For example, in medical or legal contexts, specialized terms understandable only to specialists in those fields will be used.
3. Clarity and precision: Clarity and precision of expressions are important qualities of the official business style. It requires grammatical and lexical accuracy, as well as clarity and specificity of statements. For example, in an official letter or document, it is necessary to be clear and precise in formulations to avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretation of information.
4. Form and structure: The official business style often requires following certain forms and structures of communication. For example, a business letter may have a standard structure with a heading, salutation, main body, and closing. Presentations or reports may also follow a specific structure to organize information logically and sequentially.

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Список литературы

1. Belkova, M.M. Information Computer Technologies in English Language Classes. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye Publishing, 2018. - 256 p.
2. Galskova, N.D. Modern Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages. Moscow: ARCTI Publishing, 2014. - 321 p.
3. Passov, E.I. The Content of Foreign Language Education as a Methodological Category. Foreign Languages in School. 2017. No. 6. - P. 13-22.
4. Rogova, G.V., Rabinovich, F.M., Sakharova, T.E. Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages in Secondary School. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye Publishing, 2016. - 182 p.
5. Kamilzade, M.H., Aliyev, Z.H., Kamilzade, I.H. English-Russian-Azerbaijani Legal Dictionary. Baku: Azernashr, 2013. - 428 p.
6. Mehdiyev, E.M. Structural-Semantic Analysis of Professional Lexicon in Various Systemic Languages. Samara State Pedagogical University, Samara, 2015. - 15 p.
7. Krasuyk, N.I., Krasuyk, V.V. Business Correspondence in English. Moscow: Sufler, Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2013. - 220 p.
8. Pyzh, A.M. Functional-Pragmatic and Discursive Aspects of Using English Legal Terminology. Samara State Pedagogical University, Samara, 2015. - 21 p.
9. Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, third edition, 2018. - 658 p.
10. Webster’s New World Law Dictionary. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2016. - 320 p.
11. Khrabrova, V.E. Formation of Lexical Competence in English Language Learning through Intensive Text Work. Fundamental Research. 2013. No. 10-13. - P. 3022-3028.
12. Bagramova, N.V. Teaching Foreign Languages in the Context of Modernizing Russian Education - 3rd International Likhachev Readings. St. Petersburg, 2013. - P.67-68.
13. Passov, E.I., Kuzovlev, V.P., Korostelev, V.S. The Goal of Teaching Foreign Languages in the Modern Stage of Society Development. General Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 2014. - P. 15-20.

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